Trump, the Pope and Walls of Unity – The Trump Deception


In this situation it would appear that these men are on two different sides. But, In recent developments Donald Trump is wanting to meet the Pope on his trip to Italy. Relations between Pope Francis and Donald Trump seem to be rocky at but is it possible that there is something much more sinister happening behind the scenes? Perhaps as they fight over the wall built on the Southern border of the United States, behind the scenes they may actually uniting in tearing down a very important wall together.

The wall of Separation between the Church and the State.

Some amazing information is presented in this video showing that Donald Trump may well be in on a giant conspiracy to give power back to the church similar to that which was excercised during the dark ages.

Be sure also to watch:
Donald Trump, the Church, the State, and the Image to Beast

Religious Bodies Unite against Bible Believing Christianity

Babble – On – The Confusion of Tongues

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Also be sure to watch the other video prophecies on the Judgments:

And also “No Man Might Buy or Sell, A new Economic Order”

David Barron

The Third Angels Message – Official Site

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