April 2016 Newsletter Release – Lightened by His Glory


Volume 2 ISSUE 2 – April 2016 Newsletter Download LinkAprilnewsletter

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April 2016 Lightened by His Glory Newsletter:

In this issue:

  • Pantheism and the Presence of God
  • The Rest of the Third Angel
  • Homechurch Locations
  • Feast Schedule
  • A Minute in the HourIf you haven’t subscribed and would like to receive our free newsletter by mail. Click on this link.


We are currently working on many projects and we would like to give special thank you to everyone who has supported the ministry. We also are working on the website currently and would love to have more of our brothers and sisters sharing testimonies and things that God has given to them on the site.


1Pe 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God;

Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you, or any suggestions concerning the site and further outreach towards His people and letting our lights shine before men so that they might come to glorify our Father in heaven.

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